to be yourself.
How many times have you wanted to start something, told your idea to someone, and they shot it down? That does something to your psyche and makes you start to believe that your ideas are not valid. Well, what if you just did it anyway? What would it hurt? Who would you disappoint? Is it more important to make yourself proud and do things for yourself or for other people?
Being yourself is solely to please you. My granny used to tell me “aint nothin’ to it but to do it” and I thought she was just playing or using a parable. My granny had a lot of sayings that I never questioned. I just went with it to go with it. I had no reason to question what she told me, honestly. But as I got older, I grew to understand that she was telling me to get rid of my excuses and insecurities and just do IT. Didn’t matter what IT was, I just needed to do it. I cant believe it took me in my big age to fully grasp what she was saying. Over the years I’ve had different experiences that have required me to dive feet first into whatever I was afraid of but I didn’t think I was doing anything spectacular. I was jumping because I felt I had nothing to lose.
I’ve learned that the only thing I have to lose is myself. By not being true to who I am and following my dreams, I am losing parts of myself. I can’t be anybody but me and it is my job to protect and love me at all costs, not matter the cost. Sounds simple, right? Sounds like something you could already be doing, right? But are you really? Are you doing everything in your power to be you? Authentically, wholeheartedly, unapologetically you. If you are, great. You’re ahead of the game. If you aren’t, “aint nothing to it but to do it”.